First solar workshop @AIM training centre
It took a long time, but good thing needs time. Thanks to the donations from Christmas 2017, especially from solares bauen GmbH, we were able to set up a small but nice solar workshop at the training centre in Komenda. At the end of August, the first workshop took place as a holiday course for senior high school students.
First, the room had to be converted as a workshop and equipped with all sorts of teaching materials. For the production of the workbenches, a storage cabinet and wooden boxes local carpenters were commissioned. Part of the equipment was sent from Germany to Ghana, i.a. Study material from Conrad. However, most materials could be supplied locally in Ghana. Just look at the pictures.
We also take advantage of the fortunate circumstance that Werner Warmuth, CEO of PSE Conferences & Consulting GmbH, wanted to spend his vacation with his family in Ghana. Together with AIM. Ghana and him we progressed the planning. In addition, with Benjamin Tsidi we were able to employ a dedicated solar technician, who is still studying himself, but in his free time since June he assisted AIM. in the implementation of the solar workshop and worked with Werner Warmuth on the teaching concept. Both shared lessons and trained the 25 registered students. The curriculum included basic electrical engineering, soldering exercises, building a circuit, exercises with a solar module, and mounting a solar module on a test roof.
As a non-profit NGO, AIM takes over full expenses of the training course. So no costs for the young particpants of the training.