Komenda Cave – Versteck von Queen Elisabeth?

Komenda Cave – Versteck von Queen Elisabeth?

Solomon Appiah ist Projektmanager von AIM. in Komenda, Ghana. In seinen Berichten erfahren wir mehr ueber das Leben in Ghana, die Geschichte unseres Projektortes Komenda und die Aktivitaeten vor Ort.

Heute berichtet er ueber „Komenda Cave“. Lasst euch ueberraschen, was sich dahinter verbirgt.


Komenda cave, the edifice and the metaphor, stands outside the limits of time. Its story is deliquescent. My grandmother once told me the story surrounding the Komenda cave and its environs that is Komenda College. The power of Komenda cave is the power of silence, silence is the seduction and betrayal of power. Now let listen to the story of my grandmother vis-à-vis the Komenda cave and Komenda College.

Formally my grandmother told me that the present place Komenda College is said to be called (ASSAI LAND) meaning the spoilt land.This was partly due to the fact that the place was said to be the place meant for the unscrupulous beings in the Komenda Township and its nearby villages namely the outcast in the societies, the robbers and thieves. So the place was said to be the dangerous and dreadful since on the no circumstance could one return safely from such place without being harmed or robbed.

So you may agree with my grandmother about the name. Let see if the place will still be called assai land after given out the place to the government to establish a teacher training college. History tells us that the people of Komenda gave out the place willingly to the government whole-heartedly when the government needed the land for establishment of the college because they considered the land being given to government as the spoilt land since the place is characterized with robbers and drug pushers. So Komenda College was established and now has trained many teachers for the country since its inception and now Komenda College is counted among the best teacher training colleges in Ghana.

Ironically, the assai land can boast of having Komenda cave in its peremeters. Komenda cave is said to have come naturally as result of the volcanic eruption with well designed whole through which my grandmother told me the people of Komenda used to pass through the whole to the Elmina. History also has it that during the Second World War Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth of the Great Britain came to lodge at the place for her hideout. Perhaps my grandmother was right since the buildings of the college was the military camp for the British soldiers during the war between the British and theDutch.Though Komenda cave has so many history to tell but it is rather unfortunate that no moves has been made so far to rehabilitate the place for tourist attractions. A lot of people travel from far away lands just to come and have a look at the cave. One study on geography can never be complete without visiting a cave at Komenda College.

Well, you know what? Let me pulse here and think about the story surrounding Komenda sugar factory. Till then, keep smiling. Will you?

by Hon. Solomon Appiah

AIM. Project Manager.
