11. August 2007
Projekt AIM
KEEA organisiert Kulturfestival
Solomon Appieh ist Projektmanager von AIM. in Komenda, Ghana. In seinen Berichten erfahren wir mehr ueber das Leben in Ghana, die Geschichte unseres Projektorts Komenda und ueber die Aktivitaeten vor Ort.
Heute berichtet er ueber das Kulturfestival in Cape Coast Ende Juni:
« KEEA ORGANIZES CULTURAL FESTIVALIt was a moment of joy when the district cultural coordinator for the KEEAeducation office announced officially that there will be cultural Festivalin the district to mark the activities marking Ghana at 50 celebration. Manydisciplines including drumming and dancing, poetry recital, drum language,exhibition and many more. However the celebration was done by circuit level.Interestingly, AIMs concept of using pure water rubber to sow bag was done bythe school pupils for their artifacts. In her submission, the districtcultural coordinator Miss Akosua Adedia was very impressive for such a wonderfulideas and concept from the pupils and caution the teachers to be up and doing soas to promote our rich African culture.Culture they say is the bedrock our development. She further explained that KEEAto be precise is said to be among the tourist centers in the country since thedistrict is endowed with so many historic attractions like the castles in the Elminaand cave in Komenda.![]()
The coordinator appealed to the opinion leaders, the government, the NGOs,chiefs and the district to rehablitate Komenda cave so as draw more touristinto the Komenda township and this,will help promote economic activities and reducing poverty.In an exclusive interview with Hon. Solomon Appiah the assenblyman for Komenda amotoeelectoral area said he would try his possible best led the crusade of promoting Komenda cave.”I will use all my resources and my capacity to make sure that rehablitation of the Komendacave becomes a reality”. He stressed. Hon.Appiah further caution those who win sand around theKomenda College to desist from such practice before the law takes it course.Very soon my office and the local council will enback on a positive actiondubbed ”operation stop sand winning in Komenda”. The assemblyman lamented.He concluded by caution all government agencies and the coporate bodiesincluding NGOs to help kicking out the activities of sand winning in Komenda andthis he said will help and protect the government from spending huge sums ofmoney in building sea defence of which the money could be used for other developmentalprojects in the town.by Hon. Solomon Appiah
AIM. Project Manager.