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Dies ist der Startschuss fuer eine Artikelserie über Komenda. Solomon Appiah ist Lehrer und Journalist und wird versuchen, woechentlich ueber Traditionen, Geschichtliches, Probleme und auch Lustiges zu berichten. Damit moechten wir euch versuchen einen besseren Einblick in das Alltagsleben in Komenda zu geben.
Kritik und Kommentare, Lob und Hintergrundfragen ausdruecklich erwuenscht und erhofft.
I keep on wondering when walking through Komenda streets and see children moving about without a dress or even panties. Old ladies living in dilapidated buildings with five or six grandchildren, then I ask myself what has education got to do in our society. Many of such less deprive people have most of their relatives living in big cities with posh cars and they spend big sums of money on prestigious things but non-productive ventures. Even though most of them holds the opinion that they have toiled very hard to make life very easy for them and as such owes no responsibility to anyone. Truly its very logical, and probably expected the needy and the less privileged to work extra hard to be like them. Goes the maxim, which says that not all fingers are equal, so is life.
When my old grandmother was sending me to school, she said “Solo, I am sending you to school, so that you will not eat the poorest type of food that I am eating.” (Fufu [ghanaisches Essen] with no fish). I keeping on weeping whenever I recollect this historic pronouncement from my par old woman. Precisely the old lady wants her grandchildren to be in school and acquire a profession to help the society and her other relatives. As a mother natures her child and expects the child to look after her mother in her old age, so is expected of the educated elite in big cities to look after their young ones and the society. A child who fails to do so is regarded an irresponsible child. If we fail to go back and help, then our motive for our mothers and grandparents to send us to school would be meaningless. Then we will ask a very simple question that is: Education for what?
Solomon Appiah
Project manager of African Information Movement AIM.Teacher and Journalist
Assemblyman of Komenda
Foto 1: Solomon Appiah spricht mit seinem Wahlkreis ueber naechsten Schritte um die Probleme seiner Gemeinde gemeinsam mit seinen Waehlern zu loesen.
Foto 2: Solomon Appiah (Projektmanager) und Joern Preuss (Projektkoordinator)